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The NVGT blog

The NVGT blog is where developers and contributors to the engine can post helpful tips about it's use, news and updates, insites about development, or anything else that doesn't fit very well in the documentation or in other areas of this site. It is a very minamilistic blogging setup using a static site generator and is meant for informational purposes only.



48-hours post launch updates

on Monday, June 03 2024 at 01:38:21 AM

Written by Rory and modified by Sam Tupy, updated about 6 hours after publication to include troubleshooting step regarding the new version which was just released.

Slowly going live

on Friday, May 31 2024 at 09:04:38 PM

Hello everybody!

Initial test

on Wednesday, April 10 2024 at 11:30:00 PM

Does this thing work? Since the plan is for this website to remain super simple, the decision has been made to create it using the Cobalt static site generator.